Configuration Properties

JoularJX can be configured by modifying the files:

  • filter-method-names: list of strings which will be used to filter the monitored methods (see Generated files below for explanations).
  • save-runtime-data: write runtime methods power consumption in a CSV file.
  • overwrite-runtime-data: overwrite runtime power data files, or if set to false, it will write new files for each monitoring cycle.
  • logger-level: set the level of information (by logger) given by JoularJX in the terminal (allowed values: OFF, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE).
  • powermonitor-path: Full path to the power monitor program (only for Windows).
  • track-consumption-evolution: generate CSV files for each method containing details of the method's consumption over the time. Each consumption value is mapped to an Unix timestamp.
  • hide-agent-consumption: if set to true, the energy consumption of the agent threads will not be reported.
  • enable-call-trees-consumption: compute methods call trees energy consumption. A CSV file will be generated at the end of the agent's execution, associating to each call tree it's total energy consumption.
  • save-call-trees-runtime-data: write runtime call trees power consumption in a CSV file. For each monitoring cycle (1 second), a new CSV file will be generated, containing the runtime power consumption of the call trees. The generated files will include timestamps in their names.
  • overwrite-call-trees-runtime-data: overwrite runtime call trees power data file, or if set to false, it will write new file for each monitoring cycle.
  • application-server: properly handles application servers and frameworks (Sprig Boot, Tomcat, etc.). Set true when running on application servers. If false, the monitoring loop will check if the JVM is destroyed, hence closing JoularJX when the application ends (in regular Java application). If true, JoularJX will continue to monitor correctly as the JVM isn't destroyed in a application server.
  • vm-power-path: the path for the power consumption of the virtual machine. Inside a virtual machine, indicate the file containing power consumption of the VM (which is usually a file in the host that is shared with the guest).
  • vm-power-format: power format of the shared VM power file. We currently support two formats: watts (a file containing one float value which is the power consumption of the VM), and powerjoular (a csv file generated by PowerJoular in the host, containing 3 columns: timestamp, CPU utilization of the VM and CPU power of the VM).

You can install the jar package (and the PowerMonitor.exe on Windows) wherever you want, and call it in the javaagent with the full path. However, must be copied to the same folder as where you run the Java command.