
PowerJoular is written with Ada, and requires a modern Ada compiler, such as GNAT.

PowerJoular depends on the following commands and libraries for certain of its functions, but can function without them:

  • nvidia-smi: for monitoring power consumption of Nvidia graphic cards
  • Linux powercap with Intel RAPL support: for monitoring power consumption of Intel processors and SoC

On a modern GNU/Linux distribution, just install the GNAT compiler (and GPRBuild), usually available from the distribution's repositories:

sudo dnf install fedora-gnat-project-common gprbuild gcc-gnat

Debian, Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS:
sudo apt install gnat gprbuild

For other distributions, use their package manager to download the compiler, or check this article for easy instruction for various distributions, including RHEL and its clones which does not ship with Ada support in GCC.

Compilation with the GNAT compiler and GPRBuild

To compile the project, just type gprbuild if using the latest GPRBuild versions.

Or, on older versions, create the /obj folder first, then type gprbuild powerjoular.gpr.

The PowerJoular binary will be created in the obj/ folder.

By default, the project will statically link the required libraries, and therefore the PowerJoular binary can be copied to any compatible system and used as-is.

To build with dynamic linking, remove or comment the static switch in the powerjoular.gpr file, in particular these lines:

package Binder is
    for Switches ("Ada") use ("-static");
end Binder;

Compilation with the GNAT compiler only

You can also compile PowerJoular with the GNAT compiler only (without the need for GPRBuild).

Just compile using gnatmake. For example, to compile from obj/ folder (so .o and .ali files are generated there), type the following:

mkdir -p obj
cd obj
gnatmake ../src/powerjoular.adb

Compilation with Alire

If you have Alire installed, you can use it to build PowerJoular with:

alr build